PANAMA CITY BEACH — On Sept. 11, 2001, eight firefighters climbed onto Rescue Four, a fire truck that didn’t even carry water — only the gear the elite firefighters would need in a high-risk rescue situation like the one they would face that morning — and went to the World Trade Center.
Only the truck survived.
The truck was two blocks away from the towers when they fell, and it sustained minor damages. Rescue Four was one of the New York Fire Department’s five rescue trucks. Rescue One and Two were destroyed, and Rescue Three and Five were seriously damaged.
This month Rescue Four is in Florida, spending the month with the Panama City Beach Fire Department.
“I call it the truck that’s been to hell and back,” said Lt. Terry Parris, who organizes the department’s annual 9/11 stair climb and worked to bring Rescue Four to the beach.
Two years ago at a firefighters’ convention, Parris met with representatives of the group Remembrance Rescue Project, a nonprofit organization in Chicago formed to acquire and preserve Rescue Four and Rescue Five as educational tools.
Since that meeting, Parris has been working to bring the historical trucks to town, though he had hoped to do so in September to coincide with the stair climb; alas, the two vehicles are very much in demand in September, Parris said.
Parris picked up the “rolling memorial” himself Saturday on Interstate 10. He’s planned several local events to showcase the vehicle, including a First Responder Appreciation Night at the Pier Park Grand Theatre on Feb. 21. Any firefighter from any department can attend a screening of the Denis Leary-produced documentary “Burn,” but they must contact Parris to get on the list.
The first chance for the public to see Rescue Four will be Saturday from 1-6 p.m. at the Wal-Mart on Front Beach Road, Parris said. Rescue Four will be at the Back Beach Road Wal-Mart the following Saturday, Feb. 14, but Parris said the hours of public viewing still are being worked out for that event.
Any firefighter interested in attending the First Responder Appreciation Night on Feb. 21 should contact Parris at 850-819-1156 or
Want To Go?
- What: See Rescue Four
- When: Saturday, 1 - 6 p.m.
- Where: Wal-Mart, Front Beach Road
- More info: Contact Lt. Terry Parris, 850-819-1156, or