PANAMA CITY — A 15-year-old Bay High School student has been arrested for allegedly making a threat on social media against a fellow student and the school, according to officials at the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.
BCSO reported that Thursday school authorities received information that a threat against Bay High was posted on Snapchat, a social media site. The video was made by William Alexander Hennage, 15, a student at BHS. In the video, Hennage states he is going to “shoot up Bay High School,” according to BCSO.
Hennage then racks a rifle he is holding, and smiles into the camera. Hennage then posted a still photo on Snapchat of a bullet with the name of another student on the bullet, officers said.
School administration also reported finding a flyer Thursday in the school cafeteria with the message “4-16-07 Do you remember Virginia Tech.” Also on the flyer was a sticker with the twitter hashtag “#AttackonBHS4-16-15,” BCSO reported.
Officers contacted Hennage and his family. Hennage was arrested Friday and charged with writing threats to kill or do bodily injury, a second degree felony. He was taken to DJJ.