COTTONDALE — A church that caught fire after a holiday season service has been reduced to a pile of rubble, but church leaders say they will be rebuilding.
First Baptist Church of Cottondale was ravaged by an early morning fire after a Thanksgiving evening service. The damage was extensive enough to warrant demolition of the building, but Pastor Jack Brock said a new church will take its place on the site sometime around spring of next year.
Brock, pastor of the church for about 27 years, said watching the blaze “was like watching my own home burn,” he said.
“It’s been rough the past few months,” Brock said. “We’ve gotten over the emotional part of losing the church now, and we’re ready to move on.”
Brock said an electrical problem caused the fire.
The church was originally constructed in 1884 as Missionary Baptist Church, according to city documents, and at some point became the First Baptist Church of Cottondale.
The brick building appeared relative unscathed from outside, “but inside, it was a disaster,” Brock said. Rather than repair the damage and bring the facilities up to current code, the church’s insurance adjustors recommended tearing down the church and rebuilding.
Brock said despite not having a sanctuary for services, the church’s membership increased since the blaze. Design plans for the church will favor modern architecture, Brock added.
“We’ll have something we can all be proud of when it’s finished,” he said. “It was just there so long, it was sad to see it go.”